Unraveled Wednesday Library Loot: 1918-1924 Edition

I’ll be linking up with Kat from As Kat Knits for Unraveled Wednesday!

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Sharlene from Real Life Reading that encourages readers to share what they’ve checked out from their local libraries.

I am working on this “Scarf Vest” from a 1918 Bear Brand booklet. So far the instructions have been easy peasy. I knit the tie, then I increased up to the shoulder. It only called for 15” from the (2.5”) border to the shoulder, and I needed more height, so I knitted more rows. Then I got to the interesting part. To shape the armhole, I cast off stitches, then knit even around the bottom of the armhole, then cast on.

It worked! Except the armhole is kind of huge. I have two choices. I can keep going, and hope that the slip stitch crochet around the edge of the armhole pulls it in / add a border. OR I could check my gauge, do some math and frog back. The project has been on ice since Sunday while I consider.

Meanwhile to go with that, for library loot, I’m enjoying The Home-Maker by Dorothy Canfield Fisher, written in 1924. Except, just at the beginning, it’s plowing a little close to the corn on the home life as the mother tries to control everything to perfection. My library’s edition also has a fantastic essay at the beginning on appreciating everyone’s different choices whether it’s to stay at home or work outside the home. It’s very relevant to today, which feels sad since it’s been 100 years.

That’s all I’ve got out from the library right now, except, Big News, I figured out how to place an interlibrary loan without talking to a person or leaving my house! It’s just within a state consortium, so not a true “anything” ILL, but still feels like an introvert triumph.